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Supporting the netfilter project

The netfilter project is a volunteer-based community-driven collaborative FOSS (Free Libre OpenSource) project. We can only exist because of the contributions of our users. If nobody would write any code, answer questions on the mailinglists, write documentation, ... the project would not exist.

So basically, it's your choice where you want to see the project tomorrow. If you are interested in the further progress of this project: Please contribute.

Helping other users on the mailinglists

By answering questions asked by fellow users on the mailinglists.

Writing free documentation

As you will have noticed, the documentation is sometimes outdated and incomplete. If you notice some missing, outdated or incomplete item of documentation, please send us a patch to the software manpages or help us update the wiki page.


The most obvious way to help us, is development. If you are not a developer, please, skip this section. There are many other options on how you could help us

If you write any extension for any netfilter software, please make it available under the GNU GPLv2 (or any later) and contribute it by sending a patch to the netfilter developer mailing list.

If you are a developer, but don't have any idea in which area of the project you could work on: Please contact the coreteam, and we will will give you suggestions on a specific task you could do.

Please note that within netfilter (as part of the kernel), we strictly adhere the Kernel Coding Style. Please also consider reading Submitting Patches as a good starter in how to prepare patches in a way to make it easy for the maintainers of free software projects.


We are always happy about donations in any form.

If you are a corporate user or vendor, we would gladly accept any donations, either monetary or in goods (hardware, ..). We assure you that any donation we receive is very much appreciated and used for further development of the netfilter/iptables software.

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact netfilter core team.

To see which companies and individuals supported us with donations in the past, please see the Thanks section.

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